Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Sick kids + trying to do a yard sale = not much time for blogging!

Just wanted to let you know that I may not be posting quite as much over the next few days. Three out of four of my kids are running high fevers (my daughter has had it since Monday) and one is throwing up. PLUS we were trying to do a yard sale at my parent's house tomorrow and Friday. Haven't decided what to do about that since we were just going to stay overnight there for the next couple of days. So, blogging may be sparse but I will try and update when I have a minute or two. Hopefully we'll all be better soon!!


  1. Get well soon, kiddos! Let me know if you want a soda, Rach. I'll be at my mom's later today. =)

  2. Brianne ~ I think that my mom is going to bring over some Gatorade for the kids later so I'm hoping she'll pick up some Diet Dew for me. Thanks for thinking of me, though! :) Have fun at your mom's!
