Friday, May 20, 2011

My plans......... That about sums it up. We are nearing the end of the school year (last day for Riley is next Wed.) and life for the summer is just starting to rev up! We have LOTS planned for our summer: our church family camp, Vacation Bible School, family vacation, doing a preschool dvd/homeschool with the three older kids, and LOTS of walks, picnics, and days at the park are hopefully ahead too!

So - here's the deal: Total $avings is taking a summer break! Mr. T.$. and I have talked about this and we think I'd better just pause on the blog until next fall. By then our two oldest will be in school and I'll have time to blog again. BUT for the time being, I want to enjoy summer, play outside a LOT with my kids and enjoy being able to just pick up and go (since it will be above freezing temps for a few short months). I know I "just started", but it was enough to get me going and I'm looking forward to being back again next fall.

Thanks for following my blog these past few months.

Happy bargain shopping and happy summer!

I'll be back in August! - See you then!! :)

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