Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Shopping trip ~3/29~

Went to Target and Walgreens tonight...when it was all said and done I saved over 90%! Here's the pics and stats:


Total before coupons: $54.46
Total after coupons: $3.13
Total saved: 51.33


Total before coupons: $69.08
Total after coupons: $9.39
Total saved: $59.69

~Trip total~
Total spent: $12.52
Total saved: $111.o2!!


And that, my friends, is why I coupon! :)


  1. Just curious--what coupons did you use for the a&d? I did that deal last week. I think you should list how you scored your sweet deals.=)

  2. I used a $2/1 manufacturer's coupon and a $1/1 target coupon...making them just under a dollar each. I had several coupons that gave be "overage" which is what made my total come down so low. I've thought about listing out the deals, but right now figuring out the $$ is about all I have time for. I get all my coupons from the sites I have listed on the right hand column of my blog. Maybe one day once I get a little better at time management I'll be able to do more! =)

  3. Ah I see now. I was trying to figure out with two of the ointments how your total was so low. Must have been the overages. Nice job!

    I check most the sites you've listed. I love the "cheap finds" on TT's site.

  4. I'm jealous that you found the Reese's minis! I can't find them anywhere. :(
